So here's what you can win from me - a selection of my collage sheets/background papers, some of my ATC's (for those who don't know what an ATC is, it is an Artist Trading Card and they are miniature works of art on a card which are swapped between artists), some ephemera (the exact pieces to be selected in the next few weeks) and maybe one or two extra things. So this photo is just a taster!

To stand a chance of winning, just do two things...
1. Leave a comment on THIS post before February 14th;
2. Include your blog link or blog info with your comment so I can visit you too!
On February 15th the One World One Heart event ends and I will pick a winner. It's that easy! YOU MUST LEAVE A VALID BLOG LINK AS THIS GIVEAWAY IS FOR BLOGGERS ONLY!
I hope you'll leave a comment for me, and that you'll stop by again soon. I'd love to hear from you any time!
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»ooh, I love that stuff! I could have a lot of fun with it! please enter me, and thanks for visiting my blog too :)
Oh goodness, Gorgeous things!! Your Blog is absolutely beautiful ~ I would love to be entered! xo Punk Rose Vintage, #605 on the Magic Carpet
Hello Barbara, I took a look at your blog and love your artwork! Please count me in for your drawing! I would be delighted to win and thanks for entering mine!
well you got my attention!!! your cards are beautiful and I love paper so yes please would be thrilled to win your amazing loot bag. Please add my name to the hat.
Lovely!! This is a great way to meet bloggers, isn't it?? Please enter me.
xox Rella
#232 at Faerieluna
OH, what an awesome prize package!! Please count me in! If you'd like, you can visit my OWOH giveaway at http://kitchenfloorcreations.blogspot.com. Have a wonderful magic carpet ride!
Hi Barbara
thanks for your visit.
I love your blog, and will be a follower.
And please count me in on your wonderfull ATC`s and other things.
Beautiful treasures, Barbara! And I adore your blog with all it's nature themes and RED! So pretty. Hope I win...please put my name into your vintage bunty hat!
I am such a sucker for ATCs! And all the pretty colors and vintage goodness on yours nearly have me drooling! :)
Oh wonderful things you have in your giveaway, I would love to win, please count me in, thanks for your sweet comment on my giveaway.
What a great giveaway. I would love to be entered in your drawing and thank you so much for signing up on mine too
I can hardly wait for your giveaway.
I visit regularly in your blog. I like your art very much. I hope you count me in. _Carita-
Nice count me in please!~~Becky
Lovely kit, thanks for the chance to win. Fly over to my blog and enter mine.
Wonderful giveaway!
Stop on by
Love your giveaway!Pls count me in!
If you want, pls take the time for visit my blog at #55 of Magic Carpet :)
Mila :)
Great giveaway! Thanks so much for having this- please add my name to the hat. And if you haven't already, don't forget to stop by my blog for chances to win prizes, too! #318 on the magic carpet...
LOVE your giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing!
I love making atc´s and trade them and collect them! I have all my atc´s at Flickr and my name is "Susan LotusFlower" :)
I´d love to be the winner of your lovely giveaway so please add my name in your magic hat!
Come and visit my giveaway as well if you want!
Susan, Sweden, nr 821
Swooping in from Alabama on my Magic Carpet. Such a wonderful adventure. So many beautiful places....so many interesting people...so many talented artist.
Love your giveaway...please enter my name.
When you take flight again please come by Southern Ooaks #760 and sit for a spell...have a glass of Sweet tea...look around and then enter for one of my treasures.
Such FAB stuff... love your work.
PLease pick me... :)
Thanx for sharing.
Thank you. I would love to win.
Beautiful ATC's!!! Thanks for the chance! Love your blog! Grab your carpet and stop by my blog...#792
So many pretties, so little time! Pop over and see my Divas, won't you? Jan 719
Ooh, divine blog, gorgeous giveaway! I'm #432 if you get a chance to visit me! Cheers Marie x
This is great - please enter my name. Also visit my blog and sign in. Many thanks,
Fun giveaway!
comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com
What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for a chance to win your beautiful art!
Thank you for a magical ride!
Joanna #507
BEAUTIFUL work! I too, have loved vintage since I was a kid - before old junque was cool.
Thanks for the chance to win!
lovely work, fingers crossed. Susan, Edinburgh #764
Hi :)
I just love the wonderful opportunity to travel the world on a magic carpet and visit so many wonderful people :)
Love your work, and I would love a chance to win at your wonderful giveaway :) if you haven't already then, please stop by my blog, there's a giveaway there too, and I'd love it if you'd enter !!
Hugs and thanks,
Linda from Norway
Wonderful things, Barbara! Please add me! :)
count me in
Caths Blog
Cath Ü #640
Dear Bunty, what a pleasure to meet you! You have such a gorgeous blog and are offering up such a lovely gift offering! I hope that you might please come and visit with me here:
Theresa #263
Wonderful giveaway! Please count me in.
Oh, I'd love to win your giveaway! Perhaps you want to visit my OWOH too?
Hugs, Caro
Such wonderful goodies! Count me in!
Hope you can stop by my blog and enter my giveaway, too!
I have a huge collection of ATCs and I make them myself as well. I would love winning this lovely lot. Please count me in.
excellent, Bunty--count me in!
thank you for participating in OWOH! if you haven't had a chance, stop by and check out my OWOH offerings, too--
#480, easily amused, hard to offend
sandtneal at mfire dot com
I love these! Here's my most recent blog post (my regular blog link is somehow broken):
please count me in! I love making ATC's!
Would love to win this one! Stop by my OWOH giveaway as well #257
Please enter me in your fabulous give away! And stop by #657 and say hello.
Your ATC's are really beautiful Thanks so much for the great giveaway
You can be assured I'll be back. I love your style and your art. My OWOH giveaway is # 79 on the magic carpet ride.
Oh wow, it's a wonderful giveaway. Please count me in. Thanks.
Lovely blog! Your giveaway is quite inspiring!
OWOH #322
I am so glad to have found you on this Magic Carpet Ride!! Please enter my name in your giveaway and be sure to stop by to sign up for my beaded bracelet giveaway!!
Thank you for this opportunity,
ohhh i love it! please visit my blog :0)
What a great prize! Your ATC's are lovely!! Please enter me in your drawing and stop by my blog to get a chance at my beautiful hand dyed scarf!
QuiltersStitchTogether #224
Great gift! Please enter me!
Please come see my blog and giveaways too. #757
Marina at CherryPieArtStamps.co
Little pieces of art - how cute! And what a way to own a wee one from you :-)
(I'm participating this year too. Here's my post: OWOH 2010: A Little Friend For You Too
WOnderful gift! Count me in!
Come visit me at my blog, #870 on the One World One Heart giveaway list, The House Mysteries. I write mystery novels and make jewelry.
What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter my name, thank you.
I adore treasures like this.
I am enjoying your blog.
Geat give away!
Hello Bunty
I love your work and giveaways.
I'll be back to visit your blog !
what a generous giveaway! please count me in,
Hi. Your give away is very generous I am sure I would find a use for your lovely ephemera
I love your selections of offerings- especially the ATC's and your blog, they are both very beautiful! Please take a moment to "ride the carpet with me" ticket number 194- Dragonfly Design Studios.
Oh my! What fabulous goodies!
Beautiful selection of stuff! Great giveaway; I'd love to win! Please visit me at #215 for a chance to win too.
Great giveaway. Please count me in.I have something at my Blog also;o)
This is my kind of stuff! Am lovin your blog and will be back to visit! Thanks for the chance to win! uffda_68787@yahoo.com (#652)
*jumping up* oh yes!! this is SO great!! this is SO what I love!! yes yes! I would LOVE to have this!!! Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! Count me in, xo Mendy
My little altered heart just skipped a beat when I opened your beautiful blog page! Your giveaway is fabulous, and I LOVE your work! I've bookmarked you so that I can return. Hugs, Terri
WOW!!!! What a beautiful giveaway. So many ymuuy goodies. I would love to be entered in your draw.
Fantastic blog- wonderful giveaway! Fantastic Magic Carpet Ride!!! Please enter me in your giveaway.
Shelly #890 From Western Suburbs of Chicago
Wonderful give away,
please count me in.
OWOh #130
Fun Giveaway!
Wonderful giveaway!!
Oh, now that sounds like some really fun stuff! I'd love to win your giveaway! Thanks for including me! I hope you get a chance to stop by and enter mine! #222
Your ATC are beautiful. I would love to win one. Please include me in your drawing.
First of all I love the look of your blog. Very beautiful!
I`m happy to have a chance of winning your wonderful giveaway.
Please visit mine as well (I´m number 17 !!!)
Thanks and best wishes
MARTINA from Stuttgart/Germany
Wow!What a fantastic giveaway! I'd love to win it! I’m also participating in One World One Heart. Please come by my blog and take a look too.
What a great giveaway!
Please stop by if you get a moment (#607)
Very nice! Your blog is so delicate and lovely! Please enter my name and visit me soon! ♥
I’d love the chance to win your beautiful offering! I really enjoy blog hopping and seeing all the talent.. This is just so much fun!!
Drop by for my give away too!
Great blog, awesome giveaway! I'm #252 on OWOH, I'm giving away home made soaps and a custom tutu. Please check mine out when you get the chance! Thanks. :) http://nelliebugs-swaps.blogspot.com
What a great giveaway. I can think of lots of goodies to make with these. stop on by mine I have some altered art and jewelry to give away .
HI Bunty!
It is a true pleasure to meet you.
Thanks for offering such sweet candy!
I am a collector of ATC's and would so love to win yours! I am also a fellow paper crafter so of course I would love all the extras too!
Crossing my fingers and holding my breath!
You have an AWESOME blog!
I am now a follower. I would love it if you followed me too!
I am #458 on The "Carpet Ride".
Hope you will come check out my blog candy too!
You could win a high-end, handmade, artists greeting card plus surprise crafting goodies. I also have a $50.00 shopping spree to Embellish-Online blog candy going right now!
True :)
Bunty - Thanks for participating - I'd love to be included in your giveaway. My first time, too. Visit me at mtnmermaid.wordpress.com (#844).
Cheers from sunny Colorado! - Lisa
*´*•.¸ ★ Superb! ★ ¸.•*´*•
Please count me in!
★Rich Witch★
Please come visit me for a
★Most Magical Prize★ at:
*´*•.¸ ★ ¸.•*´*•*´*•.¸ ★ ¸.•*´*•
Well, your taster sure convinced me that you are very talented and that I would love to win anything that you created. Thanks for the opportunity.
Love your giveaway - and your blog! Penny #896
Gorgeous blog and giveaway!!! I would love to be the winner! Please include me and come enter my giveaway too!
(#185 A Vintage Cottage Home)
Thanks for the explanation of the term ATC. These days I saw so
I love to win yours.
http://busybeefree.blogspot.com/ many ATC's but I did not understand what it was.
Cool stuff! Thanks so much for stopping by my giveaway, and I would love to enter yours :)
Great prize!
I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.
Love the items you have for your giveaway! Please do count me in :)
Have a great week! :)
wow wow wow! these are wonderful for my art projects! pls count me in!
Beautiful work - I'm amazed at the wonderful items on all the sites. This is my first time I've taken part and am having a blast.
Please include me in your contest
#834 & #835
I am having so much fun riding the magic carpet, hope you are too! Love your giveaway, please enter my name and stop by mine when you get a chance - #234.
Hugs, Antonella :-)
Greetings from Maine. I have been enjoying myself so much on this fab and fun carpet ride. I would love to have you sign me up for you generous gift. By the way I am at #499. Thanks.
Hi Bunty, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the ATC's. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.
I LOVE ATCs!!!! Please count me in your draw!
#900 Gail B
Your blog is gorgeous! And what a gorgeous giveaway also
very pretty blog!
Hello from NW Arkansas! Please enter me in your fantastic drawing and be sure to stop by my blog for a chance to win, too. #56
Your giveaway looks terrific!! Glad to have found your blog; I'm a new follower now. You're right my newest inspiration.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and entering my OWOH giveaway. I hope you'll be back again, soon!
You have such a wonderful blog and an amazing lineup of published credits. You are my hero. Seriously, I'll be back to enjoy your blog!
I have high hopes of being chosen to win your giveaway! Thank you for the chance!
Lovely! Thanks for the chance.
As a newbie papercrafter I'd love to use some of your stuff!
Please join my magic carpet ride too!
A wonderful giveaway that you here raffled. I just try my luck at times you.
Would be glad if you do stop by and views with me.
My OWOH giveaway is #966 on the magic carpet.
Love your blog design. Please add me to your giveaway. I can always use more ephemera nd your ATCs are lovely.
Beautiful blog Bunty - couldn't resist becoming a follower.
Thanks for the chance of your giveaway, I hope you can come see mine here (if you haven’t already!)
Sherry also from UK (ticket #251)
Mmm, stimulating visuals, to say the least. They layers and mysteries in your atcs are intriguing, and the idea of sharing some ephemera is lovely.
what a great giveaway.very pretty blog too. thanks so much for the opportunity to enter the drawing. so delighted to meet you through this event. I hope you'll stop by my blog as well.
Greetings & Salutations,
Marvelous OWOH Giveaways!
Very Generous.
Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:
Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward
P.S. Your blog is FABULOUS...
Great giveaway! Please count me in :)
this is fun! super giveaway! would love to win! please enter my name in your drawing.
You had me at "Artist Trading Cards." Please add my name to the hat. :O)
ATC's . . . ephemera?! Oh yes, please add my name to the growing list of hopefuls!
And please take a moment to stop by and enter my OWOH giveaway when you get a chance as well. Nice meeting you :)
Great Giveaway! Please count me in :) Also drop by my blog and check out my giveaway! Hope you have a great weekend :)
Much Love
What a wonderful giveaway...your atcs are gorgeous! Please include my name in your drawing and stop by #633 to enter mine.
Hi Barbara! I would LOVE to win one of your ATCs -- I always covet them :)
~martha (#180)
How fun--to win (please oh please) an ATC and ephemora! Please count me in, and thanks for offering such a generous, beautiful giveaway. I invite you to visit my blog and enter my OWOH contest, as well.
I would love to win the little package you have put together please add my name to the draw. Thank you for flying by to visit my blog, it's nice to meet you.
Great art work. I'd love to win. Please enter my name.
If you'd like, pop over to my blog, I'm #983. Thanks!!
What an exciting give away!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh yes, please enter me in your lovely giveaway, I would so love to win!! If you haven't already, make sure you come by and enter mine as well, I'm #116. Thank you:-) xox
What a gorgeous giveaway! Please count me in and I hope you get a chance to fly on by my giveaway #999 xxx
Pleased to meet you Bunty.
Love your ATC's xJ
Wow, what a stunning giveaway!!
Awesome atc's! Off to have another look at your fabby blog!
Jan x
Please enter my name in the hat for this fun giveaway!!
Love ATCs and the papers and ephemera look fabulous.
Hello Barbara - Nice to meet you. I love ATC's too. I have an ATC giveway at my blog. Check it out.
__________xo ____ xo
Such wonderful things! Your ATC's are beautiful!! Please enter me for your draw, I would love to be included. Thank you so much for entering my giveaway as well.
such a lovely offering!
please drop by my blog #774!
Gorgeous cards, Love the colours you are using!
I also have some on my giveaway -would love to see you visit :)
Fun stuff, please count me in.
When you get some time please fly by my blog on your magic carpet, I am OWOH #907.
Thank you so much for participating in OWOH.
I am so very very pleased to meet you.
What a great giveaway! I would be honored to win. Please enter me in the drawing isastephanie @ yahoo dot com
come by and enter my giveaway:
Have a great day!
Look at that eye candy!! I would be so happy to win one of your atcs, throw my name in the hat please :-)
drop by for my giveaway too if you get a chance
# 650
Lovely! angelandspot(at)yahoo.com http://angelandspot.blogspot.com/
What a very generous giveaway! Your ATCs are stunning. I'd love to win one of those.
Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at http://calkatthejewelryjunkie.blogspot.com. #475
Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV
Oh, what a gorgeous giveaway and what a beautiful blog you have! Please add my name to your list. Thanks a lot! Kind regards from Germany, Jutta
BEautiful giveaway, I love your art work, please count me in and come on over to my blog, I have an OWOH giveaway too if you are interested:)
great selection
please count me in
my magic carpet number is # 397
Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway, I'd love to be included for the draw... perfect for altered art.
Do stop by mine when you get the chance, I'm #931 on the carpet ride. :)
OWOH #931
What a great selection! I love your ATCs.
I love ATCs! Awesome give away! Thanks for the chance!
What beautiful giveaways and great blog! Thanks for the chance at such funn stuff!Peace and blessings, Bridgette
Great items- always fun to get new stuff to make more stuff :) Please add my name to your generous giveaway and I hope you are finding time to check out all the creative people and blogs on the magic carpet ride.
wow, I would love to win this. maybe we can swap ATC's?
Please enter me in your drawing and stop by my blog for my ATC giveaway!
Gorgeous! Thanks.
Please come to my blog and participate in my giveaway!
Good luck to both of us!
Great! Thank you for this fabulous giveaway! I hope to win. Long live OWOH:)
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
Lovely! Please put my name in the hat.
Oh yea, your giveaway is perfect for the mixed media collage artist. Please count me in!
Of course I'd love to win your lovely collection of goodies :-) So please include me in your drawing!
Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!
Greetings from Germany,
Dagmar (#160 on the carpet)
Greetings from Virginia.
Oh wow... what wonderful gifts! And what a great blog you have too! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.
Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.
Beautiful giveaway! Please add me to the hat, and feel free to come over for a chance to win mine as well.
great giveaway - thanks for playing along! if you have a chance, i hope you can stop by my blog too =)
OWOH #866
I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing.
Hi Bunty from Victoria, Australia
What a gorgeous and generous giveaway. I like what i see so far and I will be back to look some more. I would love what you are giving.
Please enter me into the draw.
Thanks Lynda
What a great giveaway! Count me in! Hope you're enjoying the magic carpet ride so far!
'One World One Heart' is so much fun... visiting new blogs, meeting creative people, making friends,...
Oooh... beautiful vintage to make cards with!! That's a new challenge for me! :) Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)
Greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)
Oooo... I love surprises! Thank you so much for giving us the chance to such a fun giveaway. :)
Lucky ME! It's my Birthday!
gretings from Holland,
Ineke van den Akker
Dear Bunty.....Your ATCs are amazing!
Please count me in!
And do pop in my home to see what I put on my magic carpet!*wink
I am no.950
Have a safe ride....it's quite far! :)
These are all things I love, thank you!
lots of love from Tennessee #1035
Thanks for the giveaway!!
These are lovely and so is your blog! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to win! If you have time, I hope youvisit me here
Fabulous giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance to win! (I'm #811)
What a unique and wonderful giveaway! Please sign me up. And please check out my blog for more OWOH action!
-Rita #934
Oooh, what a great giveaway. I would love a chance to win!
yeay, fun goodies!! Please toss my name into the hat and come visit me at OWOH 978.
Gorgeous! I love your work and the colors are outstanding!
I love all the goodies you are giving!Please enter me!
Great giveaway! Please count me in.
Come to enter my giveaway if you haven't already (i'm #481) =D
Let's continue the ride on the magic carpet!
Hi there from Texas! First, I have to say your blog design is one of the prettiest I have ever seen, simply gorgeous. Your giveaway is going to make someone very happy. Thanks so much for the chance to enter.
Kathy #339
What a terrific assortment of goodies and treasures you've gathered for a prize. I would love a chance to be the lucky recipient of a gift from you. Please add my name to your drawing! Thanks for participating in the OWOH event.
visionquest2020 (at) msn (dot) com
your creations are just lovely!! I would love to win these beautiful goodies, please enter my name into your drawing! And if you haven't already, please enter mine #135 to win 1 of 3 prizes!!!
Thank you, and nice meeting you!
Peace & Love from New Zealand...
Hi there,
Lovely goodies! :)
If a glass bead necklace sounds good, you might want to visit my blog. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there. :)
Greetings from Munich,
# 849
Your artwork is lovely!
Add me - your giveaway is yummy!
Stop by my blog and enter my giveaway - if you like. You're welcome! Thank you for the chance to win in your fab giveaway!
Greetings from Norway
( hegeas (at) start (dot) no )
FABULOUS offerings!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!
Angie--Southeast, Texas #57
Count me in :)
Please add me. #813 xx
Please count me in for your gorgeous giveaway :)
hugs minxy
OWOH #301
I love your feminine and romantic offerings!
Hope you've been able to drop by my giveaway too: http://kidney-garden.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart-2010-this-familys.html
Michaele (michaelek1(at)yahoo(dot)com)
Lovely! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love this!~~~XXOO, Beth #295
Your blog is gorgeous and your giveaway is fabulous - ATCs AND treasures to make ATCs? I am in love!
Thank you for hopping aboard this magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit my blog #258 on your journey.
Hugs from ON, Canada
Absolutely gorgeous!!! :)
Christina from Manila, Philippines here! Nice to meet you!
I hope you can also drop by #615 on these last hours!
♥ Blessings! ♥
How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)
I love that stuff! What a generous giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Thank U for such wonderful giveaway.
I’m also participating in this OWOH #293, http://whimsyloft.com
Please come visit me too!
Cheers from Malaysia.
What an awesome giveaway! I would love to win.
greetings from isle lamotte, vermont
please sign me up
I LOVE goodies....
thanks for sharing
HA! Fat chance of winning! But oh well, no harm in leaving my name!
:D carole
Great googies. Right up my alley! Count me in, please.
I am your newest follower :)
I too make and trade ATCs!
this is a FABULOUS giveaway!
Please toss my name in the hat!
I am NEW to blogging (http://piecesoffatesusan.blogspot.com/) but not to art.
Come visit me #1089
Be well and Be warm :)
Greetings from the New Jersey Shore, USA
What a great collection! I'm glad I stumbled across your blog in these last few hours of OWOH. I look forward to exploring it more soon. Feel free to stop by my blog, too, if you get the chance...
~Nikki (#831)
what a lovely blog and a wonderful give away. Please do me the kindness of adding my name to your drawing. Thank you ~Mary Helen
So nice to meet you.
Would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for the chance. I'd love for you to stop by and visit my blog and enter my giveaway.
The Purple Lady
magic carpet #460
Southern Illinois, USA
Please enter my name. :0) I also have a giveaway and would love for you to stop by if you have not already. #1025
Great giveaway - thanks so much for participating in OWOH :)
misaacmom at gmail dot com
#752 OWOH ticket holder
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